with £5

with £5

Provides a bus fare for a single person to view an offered rental property that otherwise they may not be able to see before committing to the tenancy.

with £23

with £23

Allows HOMELINK staff to provide one hour of expert support and guidance for someone in the local community who is struggling with housing issues.

with £50

with £50

Can provide a supermarket voucher for a family without food to last them for the remainder of the week or until the Foodbank next opens.

with £125

with £125

Provides a grant for a reconditioned fridge/freezer OR cooker, and fitting, to a household without these essential items.


with £300

with £300

Provides a grant for a fitted carpet for one room in a rental home to a struggling family (typically supplied without any floor coverings).

with £2,000

with £2,000

Can help an individual or family to escape from an unsatisfactory housing or homelessness situation by funding an interest free recyclable loan to pay for the upfront costs of rent in advance and security deposit.


Bank Transfer

Sort Code 30-97-77 (Lloyds Bank PLC)
Account No. 22889460
Reference (Optional – Your Surname)

Easy Fundraising


Click on the button below to donate via CAF.



You can send a cheque made payable to LEWES DISTRICT CHURCHES HOMELINK. Please send it to HOMELINK, House of Friendship, 208 High Street, Lewes, BN7 2NS

We would appreciate if you could include your name and address so that we can thank you and keep in touch.

Standing Order

Just set it up online or download and complete our mandate form here and send a copy to your bank

It would be very helpful if you let us know that you have made a donation by emailing our finance team at

Please remember to Gift Aid your donation

If you are a UK Taxpayer, please download a Gift Aid Declaration Form here and send it to us electronically or by post, so that we can benefit from the Government’s Gift Aid Scheme and reclaim an extra 25p for every £ you donate, increasing the value of your gift.